Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yo soy un adulto protector, y tu?

This week was prevention week because November 19th is sexual abuse awareness day. In order to honor this important day, Paz y Esperanza held events throughout the week. Most of the events were conferences and speeches, but also included carnivals and activities for children. The theme of this year was “Yo soy un adulto protector, y tu?” This translates to “I’m an adult protector, are you?” One of the most important jobs for the people at Paz y Esperanza is just to inform people about sexual abuse, and let them know that help is available. Huánuco is in one of the poorest sections of Peru, and it has one of the highest rates of sexual abuse. Statistics are hard to come by, but it is believed that 70% of sexual abuse cases are never reported due to not having information or understanding their rights.

On Thursday the office held a carnival in the Plaza de Armas (main plaza of Huánuco) for children. This carnival was a chance for the children to learn about what sexual abuse is, how to prevent it, and what to do if ever faced with an abusive situation. Most of learning was done through games including puzzles, bowling, and stories. Despite being exhausted from all the preparation work, I really enjoyed watching the kids play and learn. 

 On Sunday we held another carnival for the Sunday schools of all the main churches. This carnival had the same games and idea, except that is was focused more on God. I was suppose to be filming most of the games and speeches, but I found myself constantly encircled by young children asking me who I was, where I was from, why I was there. The children were amazed that I was so white and that I spoke English. It was quite adorable, even though I was suppose to be working!
Kids playing memory



All in all, prevention week was a success and I’m completely exhausted. Now I’m off to Lima to spend Thanksgiving with the other Peru volunteers. Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

1 comment:

  1. You are there because God called you to that place. My heart is bursting with pride, Hannah!
